Welcome to our QR Code Generator! By using our website, you agree to follow these terms. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree, kindly stop using our website.
Our website allows you to create QR codes for business cards, product packaging, marketing campaigns, and personal use. By using our services, you agree to:
Our free QR code generator lets users create static and dynamic QR codes. You do not need to pay or register. However, in the future, we may introduce premium features. If any new services require payment, we will clearly inform users in advance.
We do not store the information you enter while creating QR codes.
We respect your privacy and take security measures to protect user data.
You are responsible for any QR code image you create. We recommend using QR codes carefully. This is especially important when sharing sensitive information, like your phone number, email address, or app store link.
While we strive to keep our website running smoothly, we cannot guarantee that it will always function perfectly. We are not responsible for:
Some dynamic QR codes may have a scan limit based on the service provider hosting them. We encourage users to check before using them for critical purposes.
Our system applies error correction to improve QR code readability. However, factors like low-quality printing or poor lighting can affect scanning. We recommend testing your QR code image using a camera app before sharing it.
We may update these terms from time to time. If major changes occur, we will update this page. Please check back regularly to stay informed.
If you have any questions about our Terms and Conditions or need help with downloading your QR code, please visit our Contact Us page. We are happy to assist you!
Thank you for using our QR Code Generator. We hope you enjoy creating and sharing QR codes with ease!